Welcome to St Peter’s Reception Class 2024


We are so pleased that you have chosen St Peter’s School for your child, and we look forward to welcoming them and you, to the St Peter’s family. Below is some information that we hope will help you to feel more informed about the journey ahead.

Welcome to St Peter’s Reception Class 2024


We are so pleased that you have chosen St Peter’s School for your child, and we look forward to welcoming them and you, to the St Peter’s family. Below is some information that we hope will help you to feel more informed about the journey ahead.


New to Reception

The Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage starts at birth and continues until the end of the Reception year. This ensures a smooth transition from your child’s experiences at home, in pre-school or nursery and then as they start school.


We have established close links with the nurseries and pre-schools and meet with them prior to your child joining our school family to ensure that each child’s strengths and interests are shared. During the Summer Term your child will be invited to school to spend time meeting staff and getting used to the new environment. 


A meeting for parents and carers will take place on May 21st  2024 6pm-7pm . We look forward to meeting you, introducing you to key members of staff and answering any questions you might have. It will also be an opportunity to share details about school life and all the exciting opportunities ahead for your child.  You will receive important forms and sign up to school communication systems. We will also offer a number of settling in sessions where your child will visit the Reception classroom for a couple of mornings and an extended morning that will include a school lunch. These sessions help each child to get to know their peers, develop confidence in their new classroom and start to develop relationships with a key adult.


During the first couple of days of term you and your child will have an appointment with Miss Murgatroyd, Reception’s Class Teacher and Miss Boardman our Teaching Assistant, this will give you a chance to ask any further questions, discuss your child’s individual needs and to further familiarise yourself with the classroom. We build on the information from nurseries and pre-schools and from the information that you give us to assess your child’s engagement and involvement across a range of activities. 


Seedlings and Gardeners.


Seedlings and Gardeners


At St Peter’s our Year 6 children look forward to playing an important role in helping our new Reception children to settle in and to develop over their first year in the school. Your child (Seedling) will be linked to a Year 6 child (Gardener) and they will spend time with them, reading, making things, exploring in Squirrel Wood etc. Both groups of children look forward to spending time together and it is always lovely to see these special friendships develop over the year.


During a child’s Reception year, we are building a picture of how they learn which will be used to plan for learning when they start on the National Curriculum in Year One. We identify the strengths and areas for development for each child. We want to ensure that each child will have a good level of development to take with them on their journey through school. We use the digital platform Seesaw-this is your window into the classroom and will help you to support your child at home. We look forward to working together, in partnership to ensure that your child feels happy, safe, develops a love of learning and a curiosity to find out more.


Welcome Booklet Reception

https://www.pacey.org.uk/Pacey/media/Website-files/school%20ready/12977-Pacey-Starting-School-Together-Booklet-A5.pdfPlease follow these links for some useful information about your child starting at school
