Welcome to St Peter's PTFA Webpage
At St Peter's we are fortunate to have a very active and dedicated PTFA team who are committed to hosting events throughout the year. All funds raised are used to enrich the experiences of the children in school.
The PTFA Committee 2020-21
Chairperson: Alison Tierney
Vice Chairperson: Sarah Hill
Treasurer: Donna Stringer
Secretary: Aileen Ames
All parents/guardians are very welcome to be part of the PTFA or to just help when you can.
PTFA New Website
Please access our new website via this link. P.T.F.A. Website You will find information about events and be able to pay online for tickets etc.
In the last few years, over £1000 has been raised for St Peters RC Primary School PTFA, simply by shopping online as you normally would.
Register here:-
It's simple to do and wont cost you a penny more!
Once you have registered, when shopping online, use the easyfundraising App or download their 'toolbar reminder' on a Laptop/PC. Check to see if donations are available from the company you are buying from ...and shop!
You will receive an email informing you how much you have raised for our School. It might only be pence but it soon adds up if several people are buying online via easyfundraising.org.uk
Thank you!
Please support our business links. They have all made a contribution to PTFA Funds.
Christmas Fair